
What We Offer

Does your family put the fun in dysfunctional? Are you arguing about your parent’s estate even though
they may still be alive and kicking? Is there a step parent involved in the mix? Is one of your siblings (or
you) the caregiver? Who is living in the real estate now? How many spouses are involved?

Mediation is a proven way to help families resolve their financial issues surrounding their parents death.
It is a far less invasive and toxic experience than litigating the matter in court. In Court, the winner gets
the most money. But all too often, it is about what happened when everyone was five. Or there is a
difference of opinion with a step parent.

Mediation allows each participant to express themselves in a more safe and relaxed environment.
Mediators may meet with one party at a time – or all together. If nothing else, mediation is a small
investment in a better outcome. If it doesn’t solve your concerns, you may always pursue a different

We breathe life into your estate plan! Most of us responsible people have prepared an estate plan – a will or trust; power of attorney and health care directive.  Our will or trust name the person who will handle our estate when we pass away – and ensure it is distributed according to our wishes.  Usually these documents are filled with specific and clear legal lingo and vague language as to actual wishes and what’s important to you.

No longer is it feasible to leave your estate “in equal shares”.

Why?  Because equal shares means something different to each of your heirs. Or, maybe your estate is not easily divided into “shares” so how will that work? 
Rental properties – small businesses – jewelry and artwork – intellectual property.

And as far as your trustee or executor – we usually name our spouse.  Why? Because that is what is “appropriate”.  So as you revise your estate plan with age, is it really appropriate to burden your spouse who is also aging right along with you.  (Or not – which then creates a whole other set of challenges).

Every detail is critical.  We help you create a much more specific estate plan that will change over time right along  with you. 

We have a special interest in helping individuals with special needs.  From obtaining benefits to preparing Special Needs Trusts, we are available to work with Special Needs families to assist them on their journey.

Fiduciators Services
photo credit Adi Taubenhouse